Inspiring Youth Since 1975
From 1975 to 2009, the Business Hall of Fame inducted 247 celebrated Laureates. Some were founders of successful companies. Others were CEOs, industry pioneers, or publishers. Each demonstrated a commitment to their communities, both locally and globally.
And each Global Business Hall of Fame Laureate inspires the millions of young people who are preparing for employment and entrepreneurship.
Since 2009, JA and the landscape of business have evolved. So, too, has the Global Business Hall of Fame, which relaunched in 2020. Our newest Laureates are reflective of our global reach into over 100 countries, of the diversity of JA students, and of the many ways in which the business world has changed since 1975. We’re committed to ensuring representation from women, from countries around the world, and from a wide range of diverse industries.
A Global Force for Good
Today, we’re looking for Laureates who are making the world a better place. As such, the Global Business Hall of Fame prioritizes nominees who are working toward the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs), as we reinforce to JA students that they have the power to be a force for global good.

Featured Laureates
JA Worldwide is committed to providing an interactive, aspirational digital repository of the Global Business Hall of Fame laureates. Visit our featured Laureates . . . and prepare to be inspired!